The world's first Solutions Journalism study abroad program organizes cohorts of local and international aspiring journalists where underrepresented communities are responding to chronic social or environmental problems.
Designed in collaboration with seasoned solutions journalists, thought leaders and the Solutions Journalism Network, Solutions Journalism Without Borders' experiential service- learning program teaches students and professional journalists wanting to expand their skill set how to catalyze high-impact solutions reporting in order to amplify marginalized voices and reframe coverage of complex issues in underserved communities around the world. ​
Our next stop? Lago Atitlan, Guatemala (14 June - 13 July 2025)
how to produce
high-impact solutions stories
with changemakers responding to problems in their community
a solutions story in collaboration with a local journalism student
your completed story
to a news outlet
(with a little help from us!*)
Accommodation in a semi-private homestay or hostel for the duration of the program (breakfast included)
Pre- and post-arrival orientation and onsite coordinator
Welcome day consisting of a local neighborhood walking tour, team-building excursion and welcome dinner
Educational briefings and workshops on the theory and practice of Solutions Journalism, including guest lectures from professional journalists and thought leaders (in-person and remote)
Weekly networking events with journalists, community leaders and/or changemakers to facilitate and accelerate community and industry immersion
Personal development workshops
Logistical support & access to translators for field trips (as required)
Access to a ‘base camp’ to learn and work (including free coffee, tea, water and Wi-Fi)
Mentored collaborative production of one (1) solutions story, peer review sessions and guidance on how to pitch the story to editors
A special end-of-program presentation/community event
Shared airport transfers
Certificate of completion
Post program, a SOJOWB e-magazine featuring participants profiles and a compilation of solutions stories produced during the program
Fundraising advice​
Plus more value adds still in the works
*Cost does not include flights, travel insurance, visa and additional meals.